Christmas already?

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  No presents to buy anyone, no shopping frenzy, just parades, the National Dog Show (which I watch religiously every year), family gathering together for a big feast, and then spending the evening in front of the TV watching football.  Sadly, it seems that Christmas overshadows it and now folks don't even acknowledge it anymore!  Storefronts have had their Christmas displays up since Halloween, and in my city, some of the radio stations have already started playing their holiday music!

Christmas is one day, but somehow retailers have spread it out to last over a  month.  Ed wanted to check out some Black Friday deals, but every time we have gone, there are huge lines just to get into the stores, or they are totally sold out of whatever we are looking for, or the incredible deal is not so incredible...usually some off brand of TV sold super cheap and probably super crappy quality.  I feel its not worth the aggravation!  I'm also angry that stores are open on Thanksgiving!  Seriously?  Are people so crazed that they cannot wait until Friday to nab that big screen TV?  I'm not sure if we are going to check out Black Friday this year, but Ed wants to replace our giant old skool TV in the bedroom, so we might.

In the meantime, enjoy some Thanksgiving Holiday Humor!


These are all great, especially that familial rage one, LOl!
CraveCute said…
Haha! I am guilty of spreading Christmas cheer way too early! Well we all have our faults! I agree, no shopping on Thanksgiving ever!! Really do we need to go to x-mart or anywhere else on a HOLIDAY! Online shopping is OK, in fact we sellers joke about (and secretly hope for) the drunken shoppers that order stuff off etsy. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Debra, the Familial rage is my favorite too!

Crave Cute: I heard on the news today that several stores are banning retailers from being open on Thanksgiving. I'm all for it, because Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family...not to stand in line to get to the doorbusters!

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