Bathroom woes and sofa dilemma

After many trips to Home Depot and Lowes, as well as looking at an incredible amount of bathroom images on Google and suffering bathroom image fatigue, we have decided to just fix the leak, but leave the bathroom "as is".  The main reason being, is our condo management.  They have incredibly strict rules, and are constantly leaving annoying informational flyers on all the doors reminding us of their policies! Seems like there is a flyer at least two times a week!  Ed and I talked about it and realized that we don't want to be here much longer.  We are so sick of the rules (especially the no pets policies on some of the floors, including ours...shhh don't tell them about Moob!)  and would prefer to live in a place where there are less rules or perhaps NO rules except our own.  So now we are contemplating getting a new place to live.  Not sure if it will be another condo or a single home, which makes us realize that we don't want to spend a lot of money fixing up our current place.

About a year ago, we had been looking at homes here and in Florida, but since Florida hasn't been very fruitful in the last year, with regards to finding a job, we are thinking that we should start looking here in PA again. House hunting can be fun, but it can also be a lot of work too.  Sadly, we did see a lovely place last year, not far from our current place, but we ended up passing on it because of some water damage in the basement....but now Ed is having second thoughts about that decision.  Who knows though, the new owners could have had some flooding and had we purchased it, would have regretted the decision in the long run....perhaps.

Regarding our sofa dilemma, over the weekend, we went to South Philadelphia to Ed's cousins house to pick up a sofa and a loveseat that he was getting rid of.  The furniture is super nice and comfortable, and we were pretty excited to get it. We had already brought up the loveseat and were in the process of loading the sofa on the elevator when the security guard came over to tell us that there is no furniture moving on Sundays.  Ed immediately got on the defensive and said that it only applied to people moving, and that he had no problems moving a sofa other times on a Sunday.  He argued that we were only transporting a sofa, not a whole apartment.  After a few heated words, the guard left us with a warning that we may get fined.  We frantically tried to fit it on the service elevator after he was gone, but it was just a little too big.  As I was trying to tell Ed to angle it in the corner, he began to get impatient and the idea of being fined started to set in.  Since the guard was a little threatening and would most likely report us, we ended up pulling it out and putting it in storage until we could schedule a time to use the service elevator.  When I called Ed this morning to see when we could schedule a time to use the service elevator, he was a bit angry because he just finished talking to the building management and was told that we had to wait until Thursday! Apparently the building maintenance crew is using the elevators this week to rip up and replace carpeting in the building for most of the we have lousy timing!   Ed is now regretting getting this furniture, but I'm trying to look on the bright side of things.  I think we can get it on the elevator...I've seen other folks move their huge sofas in there.  Ed is not as confident as I am that we will get it in though.  Sometimes I wish he would stop being such a Debbie Downer! I'll let you know how we make out on Thursday.



Unknown said…
Oh my gosh!!! It's like you live in an occupied country! I have never had an experience with building policies that strict, I feel sorry that you guys are dealing with that :( Wish my hubby was around to work that sofa into that elevator. He can move anything, anywhere. It's his gift ;)
I hope that you find the place you guys are looking for, just keep walking in that direction... you guys definitely need a place of freedom (where Moob is no longer a skeleton in the closet) ;)
Moob is one of many cats on the restricted floors. I've seen many folks sneaking their cats into their condos. It will be nice to not have to hide his carrier in a large gym bag when we take him out.

We find out on Thursday whether or not the sofa can be squeezed into the elevator...I'll be pretty upset if it won't fit.

Regarding the place we passed on last year, we're are actually looking at some places in the same development. Looks like there is one currently for sale, but they seem to come up pretty often.

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