Feeling Buggy!
Last night I had trouble sleeping...because there is a GIANT FLYING COCKROACH in my bedroom! I first spotted the bug in my bathroom, during hurricane Irene, but as soon as I was able to get something to smack it with, it disappeared and I hadn't seen it since....until last night. I saw this thing crawling on my wall, then it glided across the room and landed on my bookcase. Needless to say, I was pretty freaked about this thing flying around my bedroom and let out a scream (thankfully my upstairs neighbor was out). I armed myself with a broom and waited, and waited. It felt like I was in a horror movie, I was nervously looking around for any sudden movements and jerking my head around at any small noise, armed with my trusty broom. Finally around 3:00 am the bug made one final appearance before it disappeared. I may have smacked it with the broom, but there was no giant cockroach carcass to be found...Ok perhaps I'm exaggerating a bit about the size, but it was definitely an inch long. I couldn't sleep and I'm not sure what time I ended up drifting off, but it was probably close to 5:00 am. I'm at my boyfriend's house right now, and I'm afraid to go back home! I'm not even sure where this thing came from! When researching, I read that they are more prevalent down south...so I'm not sure what this thing is doing in my bedroom! I couldn't even bring myself to post a picture of a real flying cockroach since I'm still feeling a big buggy. I think that writing about it is making me think about it too much, so I'm ending this post now!